Prints and Digital Downloads

Sizes approximate as it depends on the cropping. Shipping or postage is extra.

11×14 in (28×36 cm)…$110 Cdn

16×20 in (40×50 cm)…$175 Cdn

20×24 in (50×60 cm)…$275 Cdn

The original transparencies and negatives are digitized and edited by Harry Rowed’s son, Scott Rowed, with a meticulous, professional workflow to ensure that the tonal range, detail and colour are of the highest quality. All visible scratches and imperfections are removed to ensure the photos are presented as Harry Rowed would have wanted.

Printing is done on recent large-format Epson printers with archival pigment inks. Black and white prints use K3 inks. The prices are based on lustre paper, but other papers, including canvas, are also available.

Digital files are available to companies for displays, murals, magazine or web use. Please enquire.

The sizes available for each photo depends on the detail and condition of the original negatives, as there was a variety of film types, ranging from 35mm through medium and large format. For example, you may want a photo printed 20×24, but the quality of the original slide or negative might look good only at 11×14 or smaller. Also, photos taken on square film (6×6 cm) may not crop to a size such as 16×20 without cutting off important details or composition. For these reasons, all printing will be customized to the customer’s needs as well as the quality and cropping considerations. We’re meticulous about the quality of any prints we sell. Please email or phone.

Payment can be made by e-transfer (Canada only), or Paypal.